Getting started with ADABAS

Guys, I’m wondering how to create a TABLE via Adabas DBA Workbench?
Is it possible?

Thank you!

Adabas pre-dates the Relational Model, so we’ll use the terms field, record, and file rather than column, row, and table.

Start by selecting a database for the new file. Double-click it (or click Database → List Files) to display a file list. The menu bar is context-sensitive, so click File → New. You can enter field definitions manually in the FDT Editor window, or you can click FDT to select an existing DDM or FDT to define the fields. A Data Definition Module (DDM) is created via the Natural programming language; it’s the counterpart to Adabas’ Field Definition Table.

Once the field definitions are complete a Create File window will appear. Enter a file number and name, and click Create.

Btw …

DBA Workbench → Help → Contents

I don’t have that much knowledge but i think you may create

Hello I am new

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