Generate PDF dynamically


As per the business requirements, I need to create a PDF object out of Incoming Invoice (which contains one header and multiple details) document and should mail it. I understand that, webMethods doesn’t provide this functionality out of the box and I tried PDF creator package which is available at But I am not able to successfully create the PDF object. Anyone successfully generated PDF object dynamically before? Can anyone help me on this?

Environment is wM IS 6.5


i have created the pdf successfully…thanks anyway


Can you update us how u created pdf ?


I created the PDF using PDFCreator package which was available on some time back. :slight_smile:

Hi, All
I also try to use this pdf package, but I think that it don’t work very properly, and there is no documention about how to use it!! it will be very intresting have this functionality included in webMethods folders, what do you think??