FTP error codes

We are using a service from the IS in order to FTP a file(a client puts a file through FTP to the IS). Works fine but if an error occurs(exception) inside the flow then it always coming a 550 [ISS.0071.9014] Server Error: FTP error which is also OK.
We just want to change the FTP error code in order our client to take the appropriate actions.
Is it possible to change the error code?


i guess using try/catch sequence block, you can catch this 550 error and then in catch block you can generate custom error code and send back to customer.

These are FTP protocol standard error code. You cannot change it.
Each error code have different meaning depending on your error type.Being standards these error code are quite handy sometimes to trouble shooting and search FTP issues.


Even if it is standard error it’s enough. I do not want to create a 999 error code. Just to use another one.

No, 550 is hard-coded. It is used whenever the invoked IS Service throws any Exception.
