Hi S A/M@he$h,
Thank You for the tips. I am able to install after giving the file extension.
Hi S A/M@he$h,
Thank You for the tips. I am able to install after giving the file extension.
How do I evaluate Broker functionality on wM 9.6. I can download the free trial UM but how do I download broker?
Good luck
Thanks Navdeep for you reply.
It will be very much more helpful for us to get more details about various component ,if you can Include few more components in trial version.Like Broker,TN,ARIS
May be these component can be with limited features.
Also as SAG is about to release new version of webMethod 9.7.So I think you can include more component in free version of 9.7.
Yes I strongly agree to the above statement.
Hi All,
I see webMethods 9.7 has been released today
@ Navdeep,
Can you please tell us when is the free trial available for download?
We are working on making the free trial of 9.7 available and hope to make it available within the next 30 days.
Can you please include broker/UM component within the free trial image for wM 9.7
Free Trial of 9.7 is available now. Now it also includes Universal Messaging.
Anyone requesting Free Trial today on-wards will get the download and install instructions for version 9.7.
Thanks… I will let you know my comments
Free Trial of 9.7 is available now. Now it also includes Universal Messaging.
Anyone requesting Free Trial today on-wards will get the download and install instructions for version 9.7.
BTW the install instructions is still for version 9.5 I am fine with it but it would be confusing for the new folks who work on webMethods
May be you can update the instructions.