Fail customising calendar in ApplinX transformations

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customise calendar gadget

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Trying to customise the gx_calendar class in the generated ApplinX transformation html that appears empty by default in box template (white.css) and styles_generated_relative.css, for example adding background-color:navy, however the background remains yellow.

Would like to be able to change the background colour, dates selected, unselected and current colour, and calendar size. For the latter, the CSS style in the JSP does not help, i.e.,

<img id="DrugTest1Image" onclick="gx_showCalendar('Calendar','………. <p>Could this issue relate to the opened incident 453357 ?<br> Will appreciate your advice.<br> Thank you<br> Leonard</p>

adding the default view that is required to be changed

I think that in this case there is a need to define the background color to the table cells and not to the complete table.
In case the table class is gx_calendar, try to do something like:

. gx_calendar td {

We tried to add the styles into this tag in a first place but achieved no difference. Tried again after your suggestion, no progress.

Also noticed that for the InstantDemo web application created with the Web Application Manager, the calendar appears inline instead of in the mobile window. How is it possible to change for the current application ?

Hi, I did further investigation of the case, and this the issue is to do with the JSP that is using JS function quoted earlier


The discussed style below is not applied to this function


Is there any other interface to be used to apply the style to the calendar created by this function, or this representation on the included earlier screenshot is the only possible view of the calendar ?


We’re not sure what you mean with the “gx_showCalendar” issue and what is meant with “is the only possible view of the calendar?”

Maybe we can do an online session? It will help us to see this in action and better understand the problem.

I mean that gx_showCalendar Java Script is the way of rendering calendar in JSP page, and I do not know other way to do that from JSP.

By ‘only possible view of the calendar’ I mean that the ways to alter the calendar representation are not found by me, as gx_calendar class is apparently not affecting the calendar …

The online session will be very helpful, I am available at your convenience.

Hi Leonard,

After further investigation we came to the conclusion that this will be needed to be fixed, basically as a new feature request.
We will add the option to customize the calendar internal colors.
Please note: this will be fixed for the 10.11 branch.

Hi Gadi,

Thank you for the feedback, will communicate to the customer today.

Would you please advise how to enable the browser calendar mentioned in our meeting?





Hi Leonard,

We tried using the default browser date-picker control, but since it is part of the input itself, using it hides some of the date numbers after selection.
At this point I think it’s best to use the current calendar with its current color scheme, until we will fix this for the 10.11 branch. Then when they will upgrade to 10.11 they will be able to customize the color scheme.

Hi Gadi,

Just to clarify: the default browser date picker appears for instant pages, and not for the JSP that we discussed, as
for JSP ApplinX transformation is used, and for instant pages JavaScript.

Attaching here the screenshot, with instant page where ApplinX transformation is used for the date format MMddyyyy, where the year is missing in the entry field after the transformation. Is it what you you meant in your response ? Although it hides the year before the selection. Is this something to be fixed in 10.11 ?

instant calendar

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