Configure two-way SSL authentication between web application and ApplinX server

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

ApplinX 10.7 or higher

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

Configure two-way SSL authentication between web application (running on JBoss) and ApplinX server.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Did not complete the required configuration as require to confirm

if the client’ certificates should be placed in the …/ApplinX/keystore.jks and what is the password for it ?

if this line in the Appendix B related to the desired configuration:

When you want to enable connecting to the HTTPS port only from the ApplinX server machine, add the following system variable when starting the server: -Dcom.sabratec.applinx.securesocket.localonly=true

Thank you


Hi Leonard,

Can you open a support ticket for this issue?

We will continue with this issue through the support channels.



Hi Gadi,

Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for at this moment for me to open the support ticket as I currently do not have access to the customer Empower account … and no longer can open tickets with my out Empower account.

I thought my question is quite simple, and does not require additional investigation, i.e., the two-way SSL handshake between the web app and ApplinX serve4r is rather possible or not.

I think the reference to the documentation is irrelevant and can be omitted.



Good day Gadi,

I managed to get customer to open the support ticket #5461177 as requested but without response.



Hi Leonard,

It’s not without response, we’re working on it and we should have a fix available soon.
We will update the ticket after testing and verifying that everything works as expected.

Hi Gadi,

Noted, thank you very much



Thanks for sharing this information with us.

Hi, Thanks for sharing these configured two-way SSL authentication between the web application and the applinx server with us.

Well, I use ApplinX 10.7, But I am thinking about using a higher range of it.

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