Below fixes are not getting installed in Trading Networks installed server. I have seen this behavior in DEV 10.15 and the 10.15 test env as well. Has anyone faced similar error?
Here is the list of failing fixes:
EDI Module 9.12 VICS Fix 1
EDI Module 9.12 EANCOM Fix 1
EDI Module 9.12 X12_SEF Fix 2
EDI Module 9.12 UNEDIFACT_2001 Fix 1
EDI Module 9.12 VDA Fix 3
did you check the mentioned logs for details?
Most likely there are some dependent Fixes missing in the image, which are required for the mentioned Fixes to install successfully.
Please check the Readmes for these Fixes for further informations regarding prerequisites.
Why was the “Remote Status” masked? Is there anything critical in this value?
I did check the logs of SPM<sum-provisioning.log>, CCE and update manager logs, there is no specific reason for failure. Some fixes have prerequisites like dependent fixes, not all of them according to the readme. They are all there. The masked value is actually showing the server name.