Error with http://localhost/Tamino using IIS

I have installed the XML-Starterkit (XML Database)on Win2000 and IIS but when I try to access to the database I have created, Tamino does not recognize the URL. I’ve tried to call the URL in IE5 but it doesn’t work. Is there any configuration I have to do in the IIS? It’s the first time I’m working with IIS and with Tamino.


Tamino copies a DLL called ‘modiis.dll’ to the scripts directory of inetpub directory. This DLL is actually a ISAPI which must be added a a global ISAPI filter. You can use MMC to manage the Internet Information Service, right click the computer name, edit the WWW service global settings, ISAPI filter tab, click Add browsing to the scripts directory and selecting modiis.dll and give it some name (e.g. tamino) and click ok. The ISAPI filter is added but not enabled and this is enabled by restarting the WWW service. There are three ways to restart WWW service:
- from the MMC snap-in for IIS
- restart the World Wide Web publishing service from services
- from the command prompt type ‘iisreset’.

Originally posted by Stuart Fyffe-Collins:
Tamino copies a DLL called 'modiis.dll' to the scripts directory of inetpub directory. This DLL is actually a ISAPI which must be added a a global ISAPI filter. You can use MMC to manage the Internet Information Service, right click the computer name, edit the WWW service global settings, ISAPI filter tab, click Add browsing to the scripts directory and selecting modiis.dll and give it some name (e.g. tamino) and click ok. The ISAPI filter is added but not enabled and this is enabled by restarting the WWW service. There are three ways to restart WWW service:
- from the MMC snap-in for IIS
- restart the World Wide Web publishing service from services
- from the command prompt type 'iisreset'.

Thanks for the explanation, but I still can't access the database. When I try to insert a schema in the database through Tamino Interactive Interface with the URL "http://phobos/tamino/teste" (phobos is my computer and teste is the name of the databse I have created)the message I get is "The page cannot be displayed". This is the same message I get when I try to access the URL through IE5.

Check to see if the ISAPI filter is loaded - if you look at the global IIS setting for WWW service, ISAPI filters, does the Tamino ISAPI filter show has being loaded. This is true if there is an arrow next to it pointing up. If the arrow points down then the filter is not loaded. If its not listed its not been installed.

If the ISAPI filter is not loaded for whatever reason, IIS does not know that the path /tamino is special in anyway and just thinks its a normal path. If it can’t find it (and it won’t) it will return a 404 error and IE5 will say ‘Page cannot be displayed’.

I’ve checked the ISAPI filter and it is loaded. If I try in the IE5 to call “http://tamino” it returns a message of proxy error otherwise I get the 404 error.

This may seem a dumb question (or a sanity check)but
what happens when you use IE5
to access http://phobos?

When using Schema Editor, in “set database url…” window, how to define the url if I have create a new database using tamino manager. Is it mean that to input the path of the database or something else?


In the Schema Editor the set database URL format is as follows


where machinename is the name of the machine running tamino, and dbname is the name of the database you created. For example


