January 11, 2011, 11:54pm
Hello All,
I am trying to sign with my key and decrypt with customer key for a file and send it via FTP.
I am using the following step to sign and encrypt a file.
-sea filename encryptkey -u userId -o encrypted filename
Now, i am seeing the below error with out any other details while tracing my service:
An error occurred while tracing.
Also, I dont see any error/server logs on the admin console.
Please, help me out on this issue.
January 13, 2011, 2:20am
Hello All,
i am trying to encryt and sign a file to send to the customer.
But, I am unable to do it.
i am seeing the below error:
** Bad passphrase.
** An error occurred during the encryption operation.
** An error occurred while executing command, error=21
When I try to encrypt a file its working fine. But, when I try to encrypt and sign a file it fails with the above error message.
Please, help me to resolve this issue.
Also, please let me know how to see th userID’s in my secring.pgp