Encrypted message not showing up in TN Console

Hello friends,
I have an issue with submitting edi data from EDI home page. I am trying to test AS2 communication from one IS to another IS. I am submitting sample edi data from EDI home page and am trying to invoke a custom service which populates inputs for wm.EDIINT:send service and in the final step invokes it. I am not getting any error in the service, the service is executing fine, but the problem is that the signed and encrypted data is not showing up in TN console. When I checked TN console activity log, in the ediintdata part, all I see is the header info. I can see the payload and inputs though. I have installed certificates for both partners, installed private key properly. I have selected options signedAndEncrypted and TripleDES in the extended fields tab. I tried to trace through wm.EDIINT:send, but couldn’t verify if smime data is populated. Did anybody have this kind of problem? Please help.

IS - 6.5, TN - 6.5
