Hi ,
I have tried to connect the centrasite from mediator and i get the below error :
Connection Failed! Following errors were reported:
CentraSite connection test failed:
…see the server log for more details
…exception: com.softwareag.pg.integration.FatalCsIntegrationException: java.net.ConnectException: Tried all: ‘1’ addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: ‘saenit20.xyz.com’, port: ‘53307’ caught a fatal exception
…nested exception: javax.xml.registry.JAXRException: java.net.ConnectException: Tried all: ‘1’ addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: ‘saenit20.xyz.com’, port: ‘53307’
…nested exception: java.net.ConnectException: Tried all: ‘1’ addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: ‘saenit20.xyz.com’, port: ‘53307’
Intially we did not have the mediator link in the IS admin page and we did a manual deployment of the wMMediator package.
Can this exception occur due to this.
Also i have attached the screen shots where in the system management hub, under the managed host the host name appears as saenit20 ,
While when i click on the UDDI i see the host name saenit20.xyz.com
So what should i provide as host name in the mediator.
I have attached the screen shot of Mediator and System management hub for reference.
Please suggest.
Anusha S
screenshot_CS.doc (73.5 KB)