Error while comparing two services in Designer

Hi there,

We came across a very strange issue while using the webMethods compare function. Following error is being thrown:

Error while comparing assets.

The weirdest part is the fact that this is happening for one service only.

Do you have any idea what might be the cause?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


please provide wM version as well as error messages if there are any.

If possible, please provide an outline of the services being compared.

Any obvious differences between the affected service and the other services where compare works?


We’re having this issue–same thing, only one service seems affected. Can’t find any error log further explaining what’s wrong… don’t see anything different about this specific service. Any ideas?


is the service being compared a java service and the others are flow services?

At least up to wM 9.12 Java Services cannot be compared in Designer.


Thanks, Holger! It was Flow, and we did get resolution on it–the flow service was actually corrupted, and I guess we’ll never find out how/why that happened. In a map step we had a mapping from a pipeline variable into the input of an invoked service. Which we had had deleted (just that one mapping/input variable,while other inputs remained mapped). But rather than removing the map copy completely, it somehow turned into a mapset (ie like a set-input), but it was empty of data, which is invalid and caused the service comparison to fail. This was visible in the flow.xml.