Error Status code 204 in API Integration

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?

I’m working with Integration version []

Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

It’s a production customer instance

What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.

I’m trying to return a status code 204 from one API in the Integration. When I tried with a Workflow and call it from Postman it works with return status code 204, but when configured with API I got an error.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

“$errorInfo”: {
“$error”: “[ISS.0086.9333] "responseString" or "responseBytes" or "responseStream" must be supplied”,
“$localizedError”: “[ISS.0086.9333] "responseString" or "responseBytes" or "responseStream" must be supplied”,
“$errorType”: “”,
“$service”: “fld_318390082_stage00.projects.fl4b7167dfab831e1554901f.workflows:flabc5b80aedd261b02d652c”,
“$user”: “jvillalon”,
“$time”: “Mon Dec 26 19:29:59 GMT 2022”,
“$pipeline”: {
“body”: {
“entrada”: “Mensaje desde una API”
“$details”: null,
“$errorMsgId”: “ISS.0086.9333”,
“$callStack”: “[ >>>$service=pub.flow:setResponse2, $currentPath=<<< , >>>$service=fld_318390082_stage00.projects.fl4b7167dfab831e1554901f.workflows:flabc5b80aedd261b02d652c, $currentPath=<<< ]”
“$error”: “[ISS.0086.9333] "responseString" or "responseBytes" or "responseStream" must be supplied”,
“$errorType”: “”

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?

Yes, I do

Hi @juan.villalon

Its evident that setResponse values is going null to “pub.flow:setResponse2” when integrated with API . So just do run it in debug mode or capture pipeline or log the pipeline before setting update the response code. Revisit the mapping if you are having witnessing is there way how postman request and API Integration

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