Error not found when i try to retrieve an API

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

webMethods Api Gateway

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

On the apigateway when I try to retrieve an API I get this error message.
To resolve the issue, I restart the integration server from the central command.
someone would have already had this problem?

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.


Hi Zouhri,
There could many reasons for the error you have mentioned.
We need to have logs to look in to the same.

Vikash Sharma

@zouhri.chihab , There is broken link with API while saving it to Internal Data Store. To create link back we need to do the clean start of InternalDataStore and API Gateway IS.

Verify your Internal Data Store logs for the reason why your API’s created broken link while storing in the elastic search index ?

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