Error in System Management Hub

I need help. I have just yesterday installed Tamino. But I am getting an error in System Management Hub. The error is:

(ARG0003) No element found

It is not displaying anything else in the tree view (that displays the machine name). Although there is a “+” sign, but whenever I click on “+” or the machine name, I get the above specified error!

I am running Win2K Pro, IIS, IE5.

And yes another thing is that I don’t have http://localhost/tamino/ … I checked the IIS Manager as well, but there is no Tamino virtual path/directory specifed over there. However, there is that /smh directory specified.

Can anybody tell me what I need to do?
I even uninstalled and then installed Tamino all over again, but still no luck.

Thanx in advance.

– Sawant

[This message was edited by Sawant on 09 Nov 2001 at 16:03.]

Have you had Tamino installed previously, say an old version. If so delete the browser cache.

Check that all the relevent services are running: “software ag milayer service”, “software ag cslayer service” “software ag tamino event service” and “software ag xts directory service”. The first three are key for tamino management.

For /tamino virtual path, there won’t be one. You install (or the installation installs) modiis.dll into the \scripts directory. When this instantiates it tells IIS to direct HTTP requests for /tamino to the filter.

Yeh everything of that is working fine. Still, here is the checklist of the services:

Software AG CSLayer Service … Started … Automatic
Software AG MILayer Service … Started … Automatic
Software AG Tamino Event Service … Started … Automatic
Software AG XTS DirectoryServer … Started … Automatic

Now I don’t think that anything is wrong over here.

I even uninstalled IIS and then installed it again, and again reinstalling Tamino … but to no avail. And no, I don’t have any previous installations of Tamino, and nor had I any experiences with it.

– Sawant

Hi Sawant, are U able to solve the problem. If Yes, would you mind advicing me since I am having the same problem here… getting the error message " No element found"

But I can view the http://localhost/tamino/

Please advice

Thank You