HI , I am in the process of installing ADA826 and NAT824.
Database created and ADABAS serverf up and running.
Now trying to load Naturl into the database using NATI050. I get the following for file 8. Other files loaded OK
Load File Number 8 (NAT-SYSTEM )
into database 00001 (RSM-DB )
ADAU49 Loading records with USERISN-Option in effect
Available Space :
I File I DEV I Number of I From To I
I Lay- I Type I Blocks I RABN RABN I
I out I I I I
I ASSO I 3390 I 25880 I 1103 26982 I
I DATA I 3390 I 28640 I 1351 29990 I
A D A L O D: Error occurred during execution:
ERROR-060, DS-Extent space allocation failed for file 8.
O Not enough free space available
O Enough free space available, but not on devices,
which can satisfy the MAXRECL-Value for this file.
An attempt was made to allocate 1360 blocks
on device 3390
Available Space :
I File I DEV I Number of I From To I
I Lay- I Type I Blocks I RABN RABN I
I out I I I I
I ASSO I 3390 I 24735 I 2248 26982 I
A D A L O D Terminated 2016-09-28 08:50:14
Any help appreciated . Thanks Em.