ERROR-060 when running NATI050

HI , I am in the process of installing ADA826 and NAT824.
Database created and ADABAS serverf up and running.
Now trying to load Naturl into the database using NATI050. I get the following for file 8. Other files loaded OK

Load File Number 8 (NAT-SYSTEM )
into database 00001 (RSM-DB )

ADAU49 Loading records with USERISN-Option in effect

Available Space :

    I File I  DEV   I   Number of   I        From          To  I
    I Lay- I  Type  I    Blocks     I        RABN        RABN  I
    I out  I        I               I                          I
    I ASSO I  3390  I       25880   I        1103       26982  I
    I DATA I  3390  I       28640   I        1351       29990  I

A D A L O D: Error occurred during execution:

ERROR-060, DS-Extent space allocation failed for file 8.

         O  Not enough free space available                     
         O  Enough free space available, but not on devices,    
            which can satisfy the MAXRECL-Value for this file.  
       An attempt was made to allocate 1360 blocks              
       on device 3390                                           

Available Space :

    I File I  DEV   I   Number of   I        From          To  I          
    I Lay- I  Type  I    Blocks     I        RABN        RABN  I          
    I out  I        I               I                          I          
    I ASSO I  3390  I       24735   I        2248       26982  I          

A D A L O D Terminated 2016-09-28 08:50:14

Any help appreciated . Thanks Em.

I appears your database is not allocated large enough to hold the FNAT data. It grabbed your whole allocation of DATA and used it before it was done.

Here is our allocation of a Natural v8.2.4 FNAT on a database using device=3390:

  15:07:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2016-09-28   
  DBID 130                   - Display File Layout -                  PDRF052   
  File 16                                                                       
     I Dev  LiI  Space allocated  I      From         To    I Unused            
     I Type TyI  Blocks   / Cyls. I      RABN         RABN  I BLOCKS  /  Cyls.  
 ----I--------I-------------------I ------------------------I------------------ 
     I        I                   I                         I                   
 ASSOI 3390 ACI      353        1 I    3981385 -    3981737 I        0        0 
 ASSOI 3390 UII       50        0 I    3549140 -    3549189 I       32        0 
 ASSOI 3390 NII     3000       11 I    4085969 -    4088968 I     1510        5 
     I        I                   I                         I                   
 DATAI 3390 DSI   147927      986 I    2356250 -    2504176 I     8008       53 

This will help you to know what you need, though admittedly we have other products installed that require more in total than base Natural.


Thanks :smiley: