Anyone know what to do when FNR associated with a file in ADABAS different than FNR in Natural

When I run the ADAREP utility, I see than file XXX-MIN8 is associated with FNR 250. From Natural, when I list all DDM’s in that same nucleous, it shows the file XXX-MIN8 is associated with FNR 640.

Fortunately, this is our sandbox environment, but I would like to know how to clean this up. File XXX-MIN8 should be associated with FNR 640

Before you “clean this up” make sure that you should. Write a Natural program to read one record from the file. From what you say, you should receive error code 3017 to indicate a bad file number. If you don’t get this error then a file number translation is happening under the covers, for example via the NTTF macro.

To fix the problem, run the ADADBS utility.


You can use the SYSEXT API USR1034 to see if the TF tables are being used in your Natural environment. They can be supplied dynamically in your parms, PROFILE or statically from the NATPARM as Ralph mentions.

I tried running the ADABAS RENUMBER utility, but I get a S0C8 MODULE=*UNKNOW



A D A D B S: Error occurred during execution:

ERROR-072, Unexpected nucleus response 148
ADABAS is not active

I tried running this with the nucleus running, then tried running with the nucleus down and still get this error

Finally noticed I had the wrong SVC coded in my parameters

Now I have this error:


A D A D B S: Error occurred during execution:

ERROR-072, Unexpected nucleus response 64
01- Invalid file number(s)

is your database configured for file numbers greater than 255? Run an ADAREP REPORT NOFILE and look for "Maximum number of files = " in the general database information near the top of the report.

Thank you Douglas!

The database was configured with the default of MAXFILES=255.

It took a while to figure out, but I was finally able to run an ADAORD REORDB on this region, reran the ADADBS RENUMBER FILES=250,640 and now:



—> File 250 renumbered to 640

A D A D B S Terminated normally 2016-11-16 14:35:58