EntireX Natural IDL Generator question

I’m pretty new to this stuff, so I’ll see if I can get a question together that makes sense. A few months ago I was using the ENIG to build IDL files. Now when I double-click on the object (library?) under the server in the left-hand side of the explorer pane, I get the error message:
Error: 1001 0010 Invalid value buffer. Location of wrong parameter is 1.

If you check the RPC server trace logs, do you find any more information about the error? Is it the same library and environment as you were previously accessing? (that is, has Natural been upgraded or are the libraries you are connecting to configured for use with Natural IDL Generator?)

Douglas Kelly,
Principal Consultant
Software AG, Inc

Thanks for the information. The Generator didn’t work with the new RPC server, so we resorted back to the previous version of the RPC server and it works fine now. We opened up a log to figure out why it doesn’t work for the new version.