Software AG Designer Error

I have just installed the most recent version of the EntireX designer (8.2) on a Window 7 Enterprise 32 bit machine. I am attempting to generate a DCOM dll from an IDL file (Natural). I get this error:

I have validated IDL and these IDL files work perfectly when used with version 7.2.1 of the EntireX Workbench. I have tried starting the designer as Administrator as well.

Are there any other logs or traces that I could turn on/investigate to get more information on what is causing this error?

Is it a really “secret IDL” :wink:
Or is it possible for you to share it with us ?

Sure, here is an actual sample. However even I create a test IDL with just one program and parameter, it fails. I should also mention that I don’t think it is the IDL because I can generate other stubs from the same IDL, like a .Net client.

/* EntireX IDL file
/* Generated by the EntireX Workbench on 2003/10/13 03:25:20
library 'Allocate':'BRACWEB' is

	Program 'BOE200N1' Is 
	Define Data Parameter
		1 IP-USER-ID                     (A6)
		1 IP-RESOURCE-ID                 (A6)
		1 IP-FORM-NAME                   (A8)
		1 IP-ACTION                      (A1)
		1 IOP-SCROLL-DIR                 (A1)
		1 IOP-BOF                        (A1)
		1 IOP-EOF                        (A1)
		1 IOP-OCCURS                     (N3)
		1 IOP-KEY                        (A60)
		1 IP-BRANCH-NO                   (N4)
		1 OP-RA-NO                       (A11/25)
		1 OP-VEH-GRP			 (A2/25)
                1 OP-RENTER-NAME                 (A50/25)
		1 OP-KEY                         (A60/25)
		1 ERR-TYPE                       (A1/5)
		1 ERR-MESSAGE                    (A150/5)
		1 ERR-TAB                        (N2.0/5)
		1 ERR-PROGRAM                    (A8/5)
		1 ERR-FIELD                      (A20/5)

	program 'BOU200N1' is
		define data parameter
		1 IP-USER-ID                     (A6)
		1 IP-RESOURCE-ID                 (A6)
		1 IP-FORM-NAME                   (A8)
		1 IP-ACTION                      (A1)
		1 IOP-SCROLL-DIR                 (A1)
		1 IOP-BOF                        (A1)
		1 IOP-EOF                        (A1)
		1 IOP-OCCURS                     (N3)
		1 IOP-KEY                        (A60)
		1 IP-RA-NO                       (A11/25)
		1 IP-REG-NO                      (A9/25)
		1 OP-KEY                         (A60/25)
		1 ERR-TYPE                       (A1/5)
		1 ERR-MESSAGE                    (A150/5)
		1 ERR-TAB                        (N2.0/5)
		1 ERR-PROGRAM                    (A8/5)
		1 ERR-FIELD                      (A20/5)

** End of file

Hmm - my exx 821 doesn’t mind generating dcom !?

Creating library ./Allocate.lib and object ./Allocate.exp
Register DCOM Wrapper object
Generation successful.

I also tried to make a suprog with the definitions - and still no problems.

Does it also give you problems with the “Test IDL” ?


Forgot to ask…

Is it in the IDL generation that you get the error or first when you try to generate a client ?

Apologies for not replying sooner. IDL generation does not give the error. I also created a new test idl with just one parameter and then tried generating the DCOM dll, without success. I suspect that the problem has to do with my installation or file permissions. Is there any way to activate additional logging for the generation process?

The error is caused when IDL files are linked to an EntireX project in Eclipse. I think that the EntireX generator is unable to resolve the link. The workaround is to import the IDL file into the Eclipse project before attempting to generate the DCOM dll.