Encryption using 3DES in AS2 connector of wm.io Integration does not work anymore

Encryption using TripleDES in AS2 connector does not work anymore in webMethods.io Integration, Version, Free Forever account. A message is send with no payload. It has worked before (May 2023) and it still does work using AES 256.

This is a print screen of https://webhook.site/ displaying the http message received from wm.io Integration as sent by the AS2 connector with encryption using TripleDES (without signing and no mdn requested).

hi @Theo_Van_Dijk ,
Can you please raise the Support Incident for same.

Vikash Sharma

Hi Vikash,
I am not authorised to raise an incident via the Empower Portal and I am not sure to ask a colleague because this error occurs in my Free Forever account.

hi @Theo_Van_Dijk ,
Can you please share some more details.
I will try to replicate the issue at my end.
It would be great if you can share the use case with details like

  1. To whom you are sending the response
  2. From where are you receiving the request
  3. What is the protocol used
  4. What’s the channel type
  5. Message format

Vikash Sharma

Test 1:
Go to https://webhook.site. It will create a new endpoint for you.
Configurations > General > Certificates > Add:
softwareag_cloud = Certificate as used by https://softwareag.cloud/ (but any other *.cer will do).

Connectors > Predefined > AS2 > Add:
AS2_Account1: Recipient = https://webhook.site/{Your unique URL}, Auth Type = none, From = A, To = B, Hostname verifier = Noop, Encrypt Message = true, Encryption Algorithm = TripleDES, Encryption Certificate = softwareag_cloud, other settings are false

Integrations > Flow services > Add:
AS2_test: add two lines:

  • function stringToStream: string = “test msg”
  • AS2 connetor: AS2_Account1, map inputStream to sendInput/data/stream, contentType = “application/xml”
    Run AS2_test and check webhook.site: a request has been received but it has no content. Size = 0 bytes.
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Test 2:
This test is described at mendelson AS2 test server | mendelson-e-commerce GmbH. There you can also download the keys and view the result.

Configurations > General > Certificates > Add:
MendelsonTest_certificates_we_trust = Truststore, Type = PKCS12, Provider = SUN, file = MendelsonTruststore.pfx
MendelsonTest_our_keys = keystore, Type = PKCS12, Provider = SUN, file = key3.pfx
MendelsonTest_Mendelson_certificate = partner certificate, file = key4.cer

Connectors > Predefined > AS2 > Add:
AS2_Account2: Recipient = https://testas2.mendelson-e-c.com:8444/as2/HttpReceiver, Auth Type = none, From = mycompanyAS2, To = mendelsontestAS2, Trust store Alias = MendelsonTest_certificates_we_trust, Hostname verifier = Noop, Sign Message = true, Signing Algorithm = SHA-1, Signing Keystore and Key Aliases = MendelsonTest_our_keys/key3, Receive Signed Message = true, Signature Verification Certificate = MendelsonTest_Mendelson_certificate, Encrypt Message = true, Encryption Algorithm = TripleDES, Encryption Certificate = MendelsonTest_Mendelson_certificate, Receive Encrypted Message = true, Decryption Keystore and Key Aliases = MendelsonTest_our_keys/key3, Request MDN = Synchronous, Request Signed MDN = false

Integrations > Flow services > AS2_test > change the AS2 account and run. View the result in Mendelson: a request is received but the content is 0 bytes

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Thanks for reporting the issue. We will fix the issue where encryption using DES and TripleDES algorithm does not work in AS2 Connector.

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