EDITPA is partner level or document level

EDITPA is partner level or document level? I know that the setup is 2 per TP, one for inbound and one for outbound. My question is how to configure EDITPA at document level?

Consider company A receives 2 docs (Inbound, FA-997 and Invoice-810) from Company B.
If company A wants to process FA-997 at envelope and Invoice-810 at Transactional level, how to achieve this in EDITPA?


set your processing rule to be triggered by the X12 4010 810 document and not the X12 Envelope


This specific inbound EDITPA split option set to “Transaction” level. Processing rule is set to trigger by X12 4010 810 document, which is working fine.

But when 997 received from the same partner, I want EDI recognizer to submit only Interchange documents to Trading Networks for processing. Not all groups and transactions. I can see all (envelope, group and Transaction) entries in transaction analysis.

With this EDITPA setup, is there any way to configure EDI recognizer to submit only 997 Interchange documents to Trading Networks for processing?



No there isn’t as far as I know.
The way I got around this is to have my TPA’s split at the Transaction level.
I have my rule execute on the Envelope and then in my service I de-envelope it and act according based on the Transaction within the envelope.

As I think more about this why does it matter if the 997s get submitted to TN. It’s your rule that determines what happens to the 997 when it gets into TN.

Shiva, I agree with Chris. Why does it matter if the 997 gets submitted to TN?

If your split option is set to Transaction, and your processing rule is set up to pass off all inbound X12 997 documents to a specific Flow service, then that Flow service can do whatever it is you want to do to the 997. And that Flow service will still have access to the 997s envelopes (ISA and GS). Just have it call wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess.

Thanks! I was just curious to know whether we can avoid entries in TN.
I have my rule set to execute on the Envelope.
