Duplicate extended fields in in TN


We have a set-up of TN in clustered environment which has recently duplicated with TN extended field definitions of certain field group. And the same is reflecting in all the TN profiles. Currently IS servers are running on version 7.1.2… Attached the sample screens for reference. Is there any way we could delete the duplicate field definitions in TN?


No you can manually delete them right? Is it not allowing?

Or try accessing from the TN tables at your own risk:


couldn’t find any option to delete them from TN… Even tried to look into TN tables however, don’t know where we can find these duplicates…


Which field groups you updated and found duplicates?


Field group: FTP
Fields duplicated: Automatic deletion, Encoding, Interim Tempfile Usage, Target Directory, Transfer Mode, Transfer Type

There is no way you can delete the duplicates but you can try disable each field and choose new one altogether in to the FTP group from TNC UI itself…

Deleting from the backend is bit risky and references would be difficult to catch…may be a DBA can help looking into various TN tables.