Display non existing fragments in device-manager (and translate them)

Hi Community,
please see my following doubts.

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

Backend: 1011.0.12
UI: 1010.0.24

Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?


What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

This issue is linked to this topic

In case we add fragments to a device… e.g.
“f5s_manufacturer” : “Company xy, South-West-Something”

These fragments are not part of the default fragments of a device nor are they included in the properties library
Is there a way to have it translated to the selected language.

in English:   Manufacturer    |   Company xy, South-West-Something
in German:    Hersteller      |   Company xy, South-West-Something

and so on.

Any input, idea how to implement this, is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
BR Manfred

For the translation part you could check here

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