Creation of Custom_Fragments

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?

Objects Hirearchy

Is your question related to the free trail, or to a production (customer) instance?

free trail

What are you trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

Is there any standard format to add custom fragment to the Asset Managed Object?
we would like add properties such as Email address,Phone number etc. in the custom fragment.
If there is a standrard procedure to model the custom_fragments from prespective naming etc, please provide the example.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Have you installed all the latest fixes of the products and systems you are using?


Hi Prathyusha,

there some best practices adding custom Fragments to the Managed Objects:
First of all the naming conventions:
Important: Names used for fragments must not contain whitespaces nor the special characters . , * [ ] ( ) @ $ / ' .**

Second it is recommended at least on root level to use a prefix separated with an “_” e.g. myPrefix_User. The second part should be camel-Case. The reason is that fragment names can be filtered and if you just name them “user” you might have assets/devices which have totally different user contents which in the end make it hard to use that fragment filter.

Third it is your decision if you go for an (complex) object adding all properties in that object or you store them directly on root level of the managed object. Example:

myPrefix_User -> email vs myPrefix_Email

The hierarchy can have multiple levels including arrays etc.
While it make the managed object look more cleaner it might be difficult to query the right content. So you should consider the queries and usage of that data and decide which data structure to use.

Btw. you can have a look on the Digital Twin Manager which allows to define and set your data structure via Web UI.

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