Developer Error

one month back i installed IS , Developer and Broker. Broker and IS are running(Started), but Developer is not Up and Running. I am getting an error Connection
i am not able to login into the developer. And also http://localhost:5555 is not working.
I will appreciate if anyone can help me out
Anticipating Qucik reply


The error indicates that IS server not yet started,that is the reason you are getting ConnectException when you are trying to login developer.

If you are running IS server on local machine it may take a while or several minutes to initialize startup.

In this case start the IS using commandline this will be helpful to debug whether IS is started or not.
<wm_installdir>IntegrationServer/bin/server.bat -debug 4 -log server.log


Thank you for ur reply. I will try it and update u on that.