Deletion on refreshing connector


After an evolution made on an external web services by our partner (new fields added), we have to refresh the webMethod consumer.
To do this I’ve tried the “Refresh web service Connectors” option, but it seems the Designer chose to delete the connector (a message warned me about the possibility of erasing data).

In your opinions, in which cases this action can cause the deletion of the connector (and his folder) please ?


Oups, sorry. I’ve found the explanation but I don’t know how to delete this thread.


Can you share what did you explore on this ?



I’ve remembered the original connectors has been modified to call a specific java service.

On the other hands, I’ve noticed that when I create a new consumer of same Name in a package B, when this consumer already exists in the package A, the new consumer is partially created (it does not contain any Connectors folder).
If I delete the initial consumer (package A), and then try to recreate the consumer in package B, the new consumer is entirely created with success (with the folder Connectors containing its connectors).

Maybe it’s normal ?
