Database Table Names for Integration Server Components

Hi Team,

Can you please help point me to the correct tables and columns containing the status of the following IS components:

IS Schedulers
IS Packages
Adapters (MQ, JDBC, JMS)
JMS & Broker Triggers
Cluster Service locks

I need to create a dynamic monitoring service that is accessible via web UI. And the contents are basically to capture the status of these IS components whether they are enabled or disabled. Do you have some idea how to proceed with this?


Hi There,
IS Schedulers info. you will get it from IS_USER_TASKS. You can rely on service,state columns of this table.


Thanks for that info.

Got any idea for the other components?

Hi Sherwin,
Can you share the use-case for which this info is required? Not all the details are stored in database tables.

There are few built-in services by executing which, you can get the list of packages, adapters that are installed on that server…



Can you tell how to get the triggers and their state ? Any table/Any service which we can use to get these details …


Hi Senthi,

I need to create a monitoring service that basically capture the state of these IS components (whether they are enabled or disabled). I have checked the advise of MR, and now I have a baseline of the state of our IS schedulers. Now I need to do the same for the other components.

Hi Senthil,

I believe RP and I may have the same objective in mind 8)

Knowing where to look for these values can help us in monitoring the current state especially during IS restarts.

Use WmRoot services:


to know the detailed report of all the trigger services. Please note that, these are internal services, and no support would be provided by support.



I am using 8.0 and I didn’t see these services. Can you kindly cross check in which version do we have these ?


Make sure you able to list WmRoot package in navigation panel by adding the extended settings on IS.

We are currently hosting multiple versions of wM ranging from 7.1.2 to 9.5

Are these utilities available in all version?

You must see these internal services in WmRoot package from wM 7.1.2 and up.

Again FYI - SAG will not support these services and you should make use of these at your own risk. :slight_smile:


Thanks for your valuable inputs on this discussion.

When I am running getTriggerReport service without any input, its listing me all triggers exist. But here there is no provision to map service output (trigger details )to any variables. Kindly comment on this.


You can check that by invoking getTriggerReport service in a flow service, and take the document structure from the pipeline. They are not explicitly defined, and we cannot ask Software AG to do so as well, as these are not public services.

Attached a sample flow service, which pulls all JMS triggers, and enables all disabled trigger.

Senthil (4.84 KB)


I can see nothing as part of this package. I am getting empty package after loading into IS. Can you kindly cross check once.


That was a partial package, so you will have to create a package named ‘ZZDefault’ and a root folder with the same name. Never mind. Use the attached one.

-Senthil (4.04 KB)

Hi Senthil,

I have done a little changes and got to my point. Thanks for your hand-shake on this.
