Database not responding


I am trying to define Schemas to Tamino but it is not working. Just to check I have tried Diagnosing the database through TII. Then I found that the database is not even pinging. When I ping the database, The lower frame in the tamino interactive interface displays “The page cannot be displayed”. I am giving the url correctly in this format: http://mypc.mydnsdoman/tamino/mydatabase. Is there any problem here??

Can anybody please help?

Best Regards,


if possible, you may want to get in touch with a customer support center.
if this doesn’t work for you, we would need the answer to all of these questions:

into which web server is your tamino installation integrated?
what answers do you get for the following urls:

what operating system are you on?
are all(!) software ag services started?
is the database started?
any particular messages in the system management hub event log?

hope this helps,
andreas f.

if your database does not respond at all, that is a very good explanation for the schema defining to fail.

So to troubleshoot
- check if database is running (Tamino Manager). If not, start.
- Is Tamino Manager not running? check services (as mentioned by Andreas). Fix this first.
like Andreas said, check the URLs:

If this fails, check your web server

If this fails (you do not get a xml response like “ino:respone…”, connection between web server and Tamino does not work. Check installation logs/install.txt/readme.txt

And first check if all Software AG services are running.

good luck,
