We’ve developed a Server extension for Tamino that implements data mining. We’re interested to find out if you would find this useful, and have applications or could think of applications for it. We’re not trying to sell anything at this stage, just estimate market acceptance and see what features are required.
To use it requires creating a specification document in Tamino, installing the server extension, and calling two functions: one to mine the data specified by the extension, and one to make predictions on new data based on the results of the data mining. The data mining results are fuzzy logic expert system rules encoded, of course, in XML according to our Metarule schema. You can view these in English using an XSL stylesheet, and edit them using our guided editor based on XSL and Java.
Please respond to this post if you are interested. We have attached a pdf file you can download that explains more about the server extension, and you can read more about the background technology, and even run live demos on our website. http://www.metarule.com
Scientio_Tamino_extension.pdf (135 KB)