Hello all!
Until yesterday I thought: It’s not possible to start adaopr to an ADABAS-Database which is connected via Net-Work.
Now I know: It’s not possible to display the user-queue. But it’s possible to stop users.
$ adaopr db=11 di=uq
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED, 14-DEC-2006 11:38:22, Version (Solaris 64Bit)
%ADAOPR-I-DBON, database 11 accessed online
%ADAOPR-I-NOCSA, CSA access not possible
%ADAOPR-I-NOCSA, CSA access not possible
%ADAOPR-I-ABORTED, 14-DEC-2006 11:38:22, elapsed time: 00:00:00
$ echo $?
$ adaopr db=11 stop=217322
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED, 14-DEC-2006 11:41:39, Version (Solaris 64Bit)
%ADAOPR-I-DBON, database 11 accessed online
%ADAOPR-I-NOCSA, CSA access not possible
%ADAOPR-F-SIGNAL, signal 11 occurred
%ADAOPR-I-ABORTED, 14-DEC-2006 11:41:39, elapsed time: 00:00:00
$ echo $?
I was really surprised that the id 217322 is really stopped. My Questions:
- Why is it impossible to do a “di=uq”, but on the other hand, is possible to do a “stop=”?
- Why does adaopr tell me, that the stop-command is ABORTED?