Could you please let me know how to create a document for the output document of an adapter service or even a xmlStirng to document service from the pipeline.
Generally, we see the output result and create the structure manually.
Is there any way we can just copy the output document from the pipeline and create a document out of it?
My requirement is while debugging, I want to copy the output of an adapter service and paste it in the next step for mapping it to an another document.
I understand we can run the full service and copy the output and intialize in the beginning, But, is there any way we can do it while debugging itself.
XMLNode to XMLDocument. will give a document struture.
We usually run the service and get the document structure ,intialize it and then map the document from XMLString to XMLDocument to this intailized document.
Now, is it possible to copy this document(XMLNode to XMLDocument.) from the variables tab ,paste and create a custom document while debugging.