Could not able to start wM MWS 8.0

Hi, I could not able to start wM MWS 8.0.

DB(Oracle 10g) is pointing properly and its up and running. It worked very well till last week and not sure what happened after that…:frowning:

After executing run.bat/startup.bat…etc command, server is exiting with below error details…
[POP.001.0002] A “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError” occurred with the message"com/webMethods/portal/portlet/wm_discotres_common/IForumConstants"

And also please see the attachment for more error details.

Can anyone assist me to resolve this issue…??


Check with the DBA if there are any changes to the database over the last week.

You can always create a new MWS instance and start that to see where the problem exist.

That error message should be non fatal. Are you seeing other exceptions in your log during startup?

Please note that MWS 8.0 is not longer generally supported. If your company is under an extended maintenance contract, you may want to raise this issue with customer support.