Hi, I’m trying to do a website automation. I have a situation where i am able to login to a website (form based login) but i get an html error responses on reaching the page i’m interested in. I’ve modeled the service to make the exact same calls as the browser to reach the target page.
The main difference between the browser (firefox) and the pub.client.http interactions seem to be in the way the cookie set.
The browser shows
Cookie: __utma=61007678.696165696.1132247934.1140196249.1140451159.13; __utmz=61007678.1140451159.13.13.utmccn=(organic)|utmcsr=google|utmctr=commerce+bank|utmcmd=organic; CFID=1933662; CFTOKEN=1b0b61f%2Daa67fefc%2Dc92c%2D4a50%2D97f5%2D849cf7b8b4ae; COOKIETEST=TRUE; STARTURL=%2Fibank%2Fcmserver%2Fwelcome%2Fdefault%2Fverify%2Ecfm; __utmc=61007678
while pub.client.http shows
Set-Cookie: STARTURL=%2Fibank%2Fcmserver%2Fwelcome%2Fdefault%2Fverify%2Ecfm; path=/;
Why are the few details being left out in pub.client.http?
If the server were to verify the values of the cookies it has set, will pub.client.http behave different from a browser?
Sunil Varghese