PubclientHTTP service and cookie

I have a situation where I have to get the information from the remote site and using the cookie generated by that URL, I have to get the data.
Does anyone have idea how can I get the cookie information within wM? is there any service or any admin task I have to configure?


Code a javaService using webMethods Java API reference,which may solve your problem.


“get the information from the remote site and using the cookie generated by that URL”

The inbuilt WM service pub.client:http flow service should give you this functionality. If you need to extract the cookie, I think you can inspect the header/lines output of pub.client:http to get at the HTTP headers from the remote server. If you just want to use the cookie, I think multiple invokes to pub.client:http automatically reuses the cookies from the remote server (not 100% sure about how this works).

For getting the cookie used by a client posting to your IS server (i.e. the reverse of the above), the pub.flow:getTransportInfo service comes in handy.