Consumer Kafka adapter is not working

Hi all,

we are trying to implement kafka adapter 9.6 in our IS 10.5.
I tried to configure publisher and consumer by follow software AG documentation.
publisher connection is working fine but not form the consumer.
is there any body can help me on this?

this is the error :

and this is the configuration


Hi Junedi,

I advised you to apply KAF_9.6_Fix3 or the latest fix to see your issue is happening again or not. Also you might want to fine tune all the timeout values in case the fix doesn’t help to solve your problem.

Hi @Junedi_Hutagaol, we have similar settings for kafka consumer connection in v9.12 (with kafka 9.6 with fix level WAK_9.6_Fix4.
Its working as expected.

in our settings, we have autocommit set to false.

Key Deserializer Class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
Value Deserializer Class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
Enable Auto Commit false
Auto Commit Interval(ms)
Session Timeout(ms) 30000
Auto Offset Reset earliest
Kafka Version v11+