I am trying to send a mail and read a mail. Here are the questions I have.
I have used the service pub.client.smtp to send a mail. I am successfully able to send a mail when I give username/password(my account username and password on target mail server), target smtp host name. I used the mail server that I am aware of . But if I have to send a mail to outside servers then that would be difficult. So can someone tell me if there is a way to determine the smtp server name from a given domain name. I have searched in net, most of the people are suggest to use either mail.domainname or smtp.domainname but sometimes these two are not working. Also should I pass the username/password always ?
My question regarding receiving a mail…I am not sure how to configure a port for receiving the mail.I have yet to kick start the service for receiving a mail. Can some one help me do that ?
Thanks in advance.