Configure / Change UI of device-management

Hi Manfred,

the Device Management detail pages are rather static and preconfigured. There isn’t any easy solution to modify these pages.

  1. Option
    Use the Web SDK and the HOOK_ROUTE to register your custom Info tab in the device context, e.g.
      provide: HOOK_ROUTE,
      useValue: [
          context: ViewContext.Device,
          path: 'device-info',
          component: DeviceInfoComponent,
          label: gettext('Info'),
          priority: 10000,
          icon: 'asterisk'
      multi: true

In the DeviceInfoComponent you could implement your own layout and information which should be displayed.

  1. Option
    You could patch the existing component. I have described the basic steps to create patches in this post. To update the AssetNotes component (remove the icon), you would have to look here .\node_modules\@c8y\ng1-modules\asset-notes (it’s still an AngularJS component). Modifying the overall dashboard for the device info section (.\node_modules\@c8y\ngx-components\context-dashboard\device-info-dashboard\ will be too complicated. It’s based on a context dashboard and mixes ng1 and Angular widgets.

I would probably go for option 1 and implement something custom.

Regarding your first question, I don’t see any issues with this approach.

Best regards