We use CentraSite 9.9. When checking the CTP wrapper logs, we can see that it tries to connect to Universal Messaging :
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/08/03 10:42:58 | [Wed Aug 03 10:42:58 CEST 2016],Failed to connect to Realm on attempt 1 - nSessionAttributes:conns=1/[nsp://] - com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reachable:com.pcbsys.foundation.base.fException: Retry count=1 exceeded attempting to connect to host - [nsp://]
There are no UM configured on this server.
I’m not sure it is CentraSite that is linked in some way with UM. Maybe it is another component of runtime ?
Any idea of how such a link would be made and in what part of the system to configure the connection with UM?
To my knowledge CentraSite doesn’t publish to UM. I know that Mediator can in certain circumstances, but I have deactivated it (and besides why would it be in the CPT Logs ?!).
Any idea would be appreciated !
Thanks community