changing win2k domain-membership

Hi all,

my Tamino is/was installed on a Win2k Adv using domain-admin privileges of DOMAIN1. The Win2k is just a domain-member, not a DC.

Now, I’m facing a problem, so I have to change the domain-membership of the Win2k from DOMAIN1 to DOMAIN2. DOMAIN1 will no longer exist.

How to do this step? :slight_smile: I mean, which effect has that on Tamino? How shall I proceed?

Shall I first uninstall Tamino and after changing the domain reinstall it? (if yes, which component/s is/are then in question?)
just give permission for the new DOMAIN2/administrator in smh? Can I then uninstall tamino with the domain2-admin?

I’m grateful for any tips

Option b) should work and also permit uninstall