Change Dev to Prod for ConnX to Sync tables

I have a dev server where connx is installed. I am able to read the data and sync/transform the tables to staging/sqlserver.
using CA IDMS driver.

Now I want to sync/transform tables from PROD env.
All the DSN names are same in prod and dev servers.

Can we just copy the .cdd to prod. and run to sync the tables to a sqlserver. ?
If we can what are the steps need. (focusing on minimal changes)

Please ask any question that helps you answer this question.

Yes this is possible.

  1. Copy the CDD.
  2. Delete the target SQL server database in the CDD.
  3. Delete the CONNXStore database in the CDD.
  4. Import the link to your production SQL Server database.
    (hopefully the database name (the name next to the red cylinder) was a generic name - rename this target database so it matches what you used in your dev CDD)
  5. If you were syncing using transformations - go do your dev DataSync server and export your transformations to a file.
  6. On your production DataSync server use this new production CDD.
  7. Use the export file you created in step 5 to import the transformations into your production DataSync server.

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