Can't access databases in hub (ARG0003)

My Tamino (Win XP Pro) has been working fine for months. However since my last reboot, I can’t start any of my databases because when I try to get to them in the Management Hub I get:

(ARG0003) No elements to display

I can log into the hub and navigate down the tree to the “Databases” branche and expand it to show the list of my databases, but when I click a database I get the above error.

All my software AG services (I see 6 of them) show as started.

Any ideas?

Incidentally I’m seeing the same exact behavior on a second machine. We have this installed on a server machine also–I haven’t used / checked it in weeks or maybe months–checking it now, I get identical results.

Nevermind. Attempting to do it from argbatch, I actually got a meaningful error message (imagine that). Guess we need to renew our licence.

Info: (INOAAI0574) Starting database ‘CbTest’ (2004-08-03 11:51:28)
Info: (INODSA1002) Tamino server on Windows (2004-08-03 11:51:28)
Fatal: (INODSF1011) The license of Tamino has expired (2004-08-03 11:51:28)
Error: (INODSF1436) Terminated with errors (2004-08-03 11:51:28)
Error: (INOAAE0474) Start of database ‘CbTest’ failed (2004-08-03 11:51:28)