Cannot download fix image from empower

Hi, my name is Dekaa
i wanna ask how to download fix image from empower.
i wanna download this file “IS_10.3_ABE_Fix1 - Integration server Asset Build Environment 10.3 Fix 1 - 5/11/2020”, but download button not show in my browser.
What should i do?

Hi Dekaa,

Please use the UpdateManager component provided by SAG for downloading and installing the fixes required.

Update Manager will list the fixes for currently supported versions and also based on your product license agreement with them.

Refer to the SoftwareAG Update Manager guide for details.

Firoz N


Hello @dekaa_momon

You should check the Update Manager documentation on

Once there, please search for Software AG Update Manager (left upper corner)

For version 10.3 you need “Product Releases October 2017 to April 2019” version of the guide (Update Manager 10.1).

Please, note that you need active Empower credentials and license for the products that you want do download fixes, as they are not generally available to everyone.


Hi Firoz,

Thanks for your response, i already use the UpdateManager, but after update finished i got popup like this.

when i go to empower for download patch files, download button not appears


Hi @dekaa_momon,

This is only an information to remind you if you have installed the components in different locations to separate components by their purpose that they need to be installed there too.

Otherwise it can happen that the components cannot interact correctly with each other due to the Fix Level not matching.

As pointed out above by @Veselin_Aleksandrov and @Firoz Fixes can only be downloaded thru UpdateManager either by directly applying them to your installation or into a FixImage which can be used on several environments without having to download the fixes over and over again. This is esp. usefull when you have installations on systems which do not have internet access.


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Hello Veselin,

Thanks for your response, i already read the documentation, but some patch file cannot be download through update manager(cmiiw).

After installation using update manager i got popup message where i must install some fixes manualy.

there is some patch file i need to download.


Hi @Holger_von_Thomsen,

Thanks for your response, so I can ignore the warning message without having to worry for some error if i don’t have any installed components in different location?


Hi Dekaa,

yes this is correct.
What you should check are the Readmes for the Fixes marked in red in your first screenshot.
There might be some manual tasks to be performed after the installation of the fixes.
This applies at least to the database scripts when there was a fix for them to migrate the database schemas to the correct version.


@Firoz, @Veselin_Aleksandrov,@Holger_von_Thomsen

Thanks for your help.
