can we able to create a webService Provider for a Java provider webService

Hi All,
I have a webService Provider URL where in provider is been created in Java on some server by Java team. So far we are consuming it in webMethods and using it. I wanted to create the same webService Provider in webMethods using the URL been shared by Java team and wanted to create a Consumer webService in webMethods.

Does webMethods support this… Any impacts by doing in this way ? Kindly share your valuable thoughts.


It won’t create the functionality of the webService as WSDL contains only high level details of the functionality. Please try n share results.


Thanks MR for your notes.

Any other comments on this ?


Let me see if I follow:

  1. A web service exists today and it is hosted on some Java-based server
  2. webMethods IS consumes this web service directly today via web service connectors
  3. You would like to create a web service provider in the IS using the WSDL from the existing Java web service
  4. You would then like to point your existing consumer to the new web service hosted on the IS

Did I understand correctly? If so, why?

Also, assuming my understanding is correct, are you porting the web service completely from the Java platform to the IS (i.e. you’re re-implementing the logic in the IS)? Or will your new web service just act as a proxy to the Java web service?

All this is feasible but it would be important to understand the reasons behind it.


Yes Percio,your understanding is correct.

When I created a provider webService, I can see a flow service is been created with empty body.So I am using it to write my business functionality which is been get called when I called the consumer webService.
