Branch bug in dot (.) character

Hi guys,

I have a problem,
i want to validate 2 string number whether they are the same or not, but when 2 same number are compared but the other 1 numbers has a dot(.) character, the result will still be the same, is this a bug on the branch? and what is the solution?

for example,
string1 = 123.
string2 = 123

Branch = true
%string1% != %string2% output not same
default output same

@dimas.prayogo ,
A couple of thoughts

  • To compare two strings, you can use the public service pub.string:compareStrings,
  • Is there any specific reason why you need a branch step? ( Is there a performance improvement that is observed)
  • What are the properties being set in the Branch step and the specific child map steps ?


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HI, Nagendra

Thanks for your help.

  • Is there any specific reason why you need a branch step? ( Is there a performance improvement that is observed)

nothing, Iā€™m just looking for a way how to compare the strings


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