I have a requirement where in i have to read the data from excel file and store it onto DB.
I know that SAG provides a package named wxExcel upon request for handling Excel related operations.
I want to know what will be best approach in this.
Should i write a custom java service of my own or should i use SAG package or is there anything else?
WxExcelConverter is a config based tool , you need to provide the structure of excel in a xml file based on which it converts the excel data to Xml.
I have used WxExcelConverter package in one of the projects . One of the performance optimization feature of WxExcelConverter is that it provides options to load excel data as stream and then converts it to xml data stream.
Excel data stream to XML file/String/Stream.
Excel file to XML file/String/Stream.
Not sure if any performance report is being published though .
For writing excel files , mostly used custom written java services.