Backwards Compatibility of New API

Will the official release of the new
Tamino-API support the present 2.2.* and 2.3.*
Versions of Tamino?

That is, can we build applications on the
new API to be able to migrate smoothly from
the old Tamino-Server Versions to the newer
without changing app’s code?

Thanks for any information in advance.

Hi Matthias,

we are testing the new API constantly also on Tamino V2.3. Except for some new functionality, which is not available in V2.3, everything else works fine.

I can’t say anything about Tamino V2.2, however I would assume that the basic functionality works as well. But: No guarantee here!

This is, what the readme.txt file sais:

“The software is intended to be used to build applications for Tamino V3.1. It can also be used to program application for Tamino V2.3; however, some functionalities are not available in Tamino V2.3 (e.g. TSD3, which is support for XML schemas).”

Best regards,
Christian Gengenbach.