Automating AAR deployment


Is there a way to deploy an AAR Web Service Package through the command line or ANT/Maven task? I have found various tasks that can be performed by the EntireX Workbench command line, but I couldn’t find an AAR deploy option.
As I understand it the AAR file is an Axis2 service. Therefore it should be possible to automate the deployment. Is there a better way then copying the AAR file into …cp8.0\webapps\wsstack\WEB-INF\services? Haven’t tried it yet, since I still hope for a better ANT/Maven deployment option, especially for remote machines :slight_smile:
Thanks for your suggestions

Hi Markus,

there an additional method to deploy a service over the WS-stack Browser UI. But that’s is not a cmd-line interface as well. The plain aar file copy is the simplest deploy method that can be used in cmd-line scripts.

Regards, Dietmar