I wrote a java program for users authentication to tamino database.
The steps followed were:
1.-set the property authentication equal “tamino” database
2.-create a user.
The problem:
1.- when login with an incorrect user and password the program return an exception
result (Ok)
2- when login a correct user and password the program sign to tamino.
result (Ok)
3.- logout (no connections)
4.- when login with an incorrect user and password the program return an exception
result (nOk)
because the user and password doesn’t exist in the tamino database.
the source code is:
private boolean isAuthentified(String _strUser, String _strPassword) throws Exception{
boolean booAuthentified = true;
TConnectionFactory tconFactory = TConnectionFactory.getInstance();
TConnection connection = tconFactory.newConnection
(“http://localhost/tamino/xml”, _strUser, _strPassword );
}catch(TException eConnection){
booAuthentified = false;
if (connection != null){ connection.close();
connection = null;
return booAuthentified;
It seems that what is happening is that Tamino authenticates all the users that follow a valid user authentication. For example if you entry a non valid user Tamino will reject it until you sign in with a valid user. From that point you can keep signing-in even if the user is not correct. does anyone know how to solve it?
thanks in advance