I am having trouble setting up access control in Tamino XML Database.
Let me explain:
My configuration: Tamino XML Database (from XML starter kit) running on Windows 2000.
I have created users, groups and acls in collection ino:security so as to restrict access to a particular node in my database to only a group of users.
The restriction works, i.e. if I do not authenticate, I cannot have access to data in that node.
The problem I have now is how do I authenticate? I have tried the _CONNECT command with a valid userID, followed by an _XQL command with the given sessionid and sessionkey but I still cannot have access to the data.
I cant’ see where Tamino authenticates the user. I have created a user in collection ino:security, but I can only set the user id and the user description. Where do I set the password? Should I create the user and/or group in the Windows system also?
I would appreciate any help or advice.