I do the following step to run the property demo of x-application,am I right? 1)I run the build command in the dos command line,it is successful. 2) set up the virtual directory in tomcat,named “property” 3)start tomcat server 4)type:http://localhost:8080/property/Home.jsp as the url in Internet Explore. 5) meet such error: server not available.
when I run the demo of x-application,should I import any .xml file to tamino server? Thanks for help!
the first step is “setup.cmd”, not “build”. You don´t need to rebuild X-Application, it is ready to run. Before running setup you need to adjust it to your environment in the env.cmd script.
If you have executed this step successfully the virtual directory for tomcat is set automatically (in case of Tomcat 3.3). You can then start the jsp samples. If property doesn´t work try another one (e.g. simple, propertydemo). Is it possible to access the directory (http://localhost:8080/property)?
If you still have problems, please post the complete error message.
please check in env.cmd the variable TAMINO_URL. :: URL pointing to your Tamino database. :: Has to be an existing database, X-Application does not create a Tamino database. :: Note that this is not a URL to Tomcat. set TAMINO_URL=http://theTaminoHost/tamino/theExistingDB
If the Database exists and is running (you can check this with the Tamino Manager), make sure that there are no trailing spaces in the env.cmd.
Please check your env.cmd file and make sure that that database you specified for “TAMINO_URL” is up and running. Example: if you value for TAMINO_URL is “http://localhost/tamino/mydb” you should start Tamino Manager on your local machine and make sure that the database “mydb” is “green”.